B = brave - ready to do things that difficult without fear

R = racy - exciting and amusing and have a style while doing this blog

I = idealist - believe on ourselves to do the best things on any situation

L= lead - show the right way or make the right direction and decision

L = leisurely - without make a hurry decision, we make this blog until the end

I = intelligent - we have an ability to understand and catch the main point of what we want

A = acceptability - we are acceptable to any idea which relate to this blog

N = negotiable - we are negotiable to any positive thinking on the blog

T = tactical - we connected with particular method used to achieve our goal

M = morale - we are being morale to whatever we are doing especially on the blog

A = altruism - caring about needs and happiness of all of group members

S = systematic - we are doing our work with systematic condition and arrange the task fairly to all of us

T = tireless - putting a lot of hard work and energy even on the fasting month to solve over task

E = energetic - we are ‘put out’ all our strength and effort by solving this blog even it’s quite harder

R = relevant - try to put all information received which relevant and relate to the blog and thinking critically

M = manipulate - we are good at manipulate and elaborate data and information

I = invincible - we are quite strong and tough together to be defeated from others group

N = nicety - being a nicety to each data received and elaborate all information in the right form and right ways

D = duteous - obedient through accordance of what lecture said according to make the blog perfect
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